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Neurofeedback - BrainPaint

What is Neurofeedback?


Neurofeedback is an evidenced-based neurotherapy that uses biofeedback to improve brain function by activating the brain's natural ability to form new connections in response to stimuli. 

​​Objectives and Benefits of Neurotherapy


The primary goal of neurotherapy is to rewire your brain to its optimal functioning - increasing areas of underperformance and decreasing areas of over performance. This is achieved by repeated brain training sessions using the computerized BrainPaint neurofeedback program - that teaches your central nervous system to reorganize and regulate brainwave frequencies.


BrainPaint is used to treat the following concerns:



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How BrainPaint Works


​During your first session you will complete a 95 question assessment to assist your therapist and the BrainPaint software in developing a protocol specific to your brainwaves and brain function.


During your first neurofeedback session, your BrainPaint therapist will set you up by placing sensors on your scalp that will provide ​feedback to the computerized software via brainwaves. 


Depending on your protocol, you will either watch a series of images on a screen or visualize images for the determined length of your session - usually about 30 minutes. ​


Your therapist will ask you a series of questions regarding symptoms and brain function to begin each session - this allows the software to optimize your protocol based on your personalized progress and experience. 


Timeline and Flexibility


Neurofeedback is administered over a number of sessions.  Generally, people notice improvements within the first five to eight sessions.


For best results and lasting improvements, twenty to thirty sessions are recommended with a minimum of two sessions per week. 

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